Aventura y Outdoors

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Sumérgete en emocionantes experiencias al aire libre en Mauna. Explora nuestra amplia selección de actividades y aventuras en la categoría de Aventura y Outdoors. 

México Travesías
4,300 MXN
Embark on a journey to one of the most emblematic mountains in Mexico, the Iztaccíhuatl, and enjoy the panoramic view from the Refugio de los 100.
Duración1 day Tipo de GrupoOpen
México Travesías
5,550 MXN
Climb to the summit of this iconic mountain and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes around this ascent. Challenge yourself and reach the third highest point in Mexico, the Iztaccíhuatl, where you'll experience traversing glaciers and sandy terrain with extraordinary views....
Duración2 días Tipo de GrupoOpen
Climb the iconic Cerro de San Miguel in Desierto de los Leones and enjoy a delicious breakfast at the summit.
Tipo de GrupoOpen
Free & Alive
‍850‍ MXN
Enjoy a spectacular route to the top of Pico del Águila and celebrate with mimosas and chocolate from the highest point in Mexico City.
Tipo de GrupoOpen
Participate in a unique LEGO Serious Play experience for teams, designed to enhance communication, decision-making, and creativity through collaborative building
Tipo de GrupoPrivate
Dare to reach halfway up Iztaccíhuatl with stunning landscapes and a breakfast at 4,700 meters above sea level.
Tipo de GrupoOpen
México Travesías
6,000 MXN
Embark on a two-day adventure to conquer Mexico's highest peak, Pico de Orizaba. Experience a journey through breathtaking landscapes and challenging terrains.
Duración2 días Tipo de GrupoOpen
Free & Alive
1,490 MXN
Enjoy a spectacular sunrise at the foothills of Iztaccíhuatl and an unforgettable picnic while marveling at the imposing Don Goyo volcano
Tipo de GrupoOpen
Participa en una experiencia única de mindfulness en plena naturaleza y aprende técnicas de relajación para combatir el estrés y la ansiedad.
Tipo de GrupoPrivate
Discover the history and nature of the Desert of the Lions with a guided hike that culminates in the tranquil Duck Lake, perfect for all levels and pet friendly.
Tipo de GrupoOpen
Free & Alive
5,990 MXN
Climb the Pico de Orizaba, the highest summit in Mexico, with expert guides, full equipment, and a unique high mountain experience.
Tipo de GrupoOpen
People in your experience
  • 350MXN
  • 6000MXN
Type of experience